Christian Perspectives 2008: Reflections
Well, camp is over for another year. The thing about Christian Perspectives that always gets me is the fact that it isn’t a REAL camp as such; no sleeping under the stars, no telling tall tales in the flickering light of the campfire, no cooking your own food and then getting poisoned. What Mrs Laning says is true – it’s a study camp, for Year 11’s and 12’s at Calvin to absorb some Christian Perspectives.
Anyways, after the gruelling one and a half hour bus ride up – people wanted greasies, whatever they are – it was back into the usual activities, where snooker/pool made a popular comeback, as did air hockey and fusball. Basketball was also popular. Others still retreated to their rooms to set up their gear and what-not.
Sessions were the order of the day, and after each session, there was morning/afternoon tea, a little bit of mucking around (with the obligatory cricket, fusball, pool, and basketball) and then another session. Rinse and repeat.
The speaker, Eric Wickmann was actually entertaining, keeping our attention with magic tricks that stunned all. I now know that there are actually FOUR types of people in the world – Beavers, Otters, Lions, and Golden Retrievers. His talk was based on “ASK”: Attitude, Skills, Knowledge. Having the right attitude, and the right skills only got you two thirds of the way. You had to have the knowledge to be able to use your attitude and skills in the right way – or else it just didn’t work. Or something like that anyway – I wasn’t exactly taking notes.. But maybe I should have!
A trip to the beach was the conclusion of activities for day one – where beach cricket, swimming, and beach volleyball reigned! – and after another session, dinner, and The Italian Job, we went to sleep, and that was it.
Bright and early the next morning, the early bird students had showers. The rest slept in. A session, followed by morning tea, another session, and lunch. Then it was down for another trip to the beach, where people enjoyed a game of beach cricket, beach volleyball, or just swam and sunbaked. Can anyone say ‘perfect’ like I can? I don’t mean the beach, nor the games, swimming, or the sunbaking…
Then it was back to base where there was another session. Free time followed, including the obligatory fusball, pool, and basketball. People started getting dressed for Fluoro night, and after some guys were spotted in inside-out dresses, well, it got to the point where it was pretty much anything goes. The Men-In-Black made an appearance, deciding to wear black clothes – we were the outcasts, for sure.
Fluoro night was an outstanding success, where Captain Fluro (Nathan Bosker) made an appearance, as did Used-Car-Salesman Tom de Hoog, Least-Effort James Goodricke, Councilman Ashley Page, plus People’s Choice Awardees Alex Hunt, Grace Campbell-Atkins, and some others…
After the novelty of Fluoro night had worn off, we had some concert items – Liam played and sung two songs for us, cat /dev/urandom piped to /dev/audio, as well as just cat /dev/urandom. It was cool – nothing that we’ve ever tried before, but still fun nevertheless. Chris Jacques then did some serious head-banging to Rammstein’s Du Hast – much to the enjoyment of all in Year 12, who were remembering the Year 10 formal. . Ash’s council talkback – posted here on YouTube. That pretty much summed up the concert items, so Mr Roberts went to Plan B: Mr Robert’s Lame-O Quiz 3! Well, that was the end. Nothing could have beaten Mr Roberts’s Lame-O quiz. The Apha Chief Warden team – but only after some heated controversy – you CANNOT see the Great Wall of China from the moon!!
Anyway, a rather weird movie Serenity followed, and after that, it was time to go to sleep.
The third day, and it was off to the showers again for those early bird students. A session, morning tea, another session, and then, all too soon, it was time to pack up and leave. We emptied the dorms, we cleaned the gathering space, we packed up our gear and loaded it onto the bus. A quick lunch was followed by a bus leaving early, and that was it, Christian Perspectives 2008 was now over, and the Year 12’s were never to be seen at that camp again…
Anyway, enough of what I thought about camp. I want to know what YOU thought of camp! You know the drill; post all of your comments down below…
March 17th, 2008 at 9:56 am
How dare you call Serenity a ‘wierd movie’????
It is one of the best movies ever made. Perhaps if you havent seen the masterpiece TV series Firefly, it might make a little less sense, but it’s still a brilliant movie.
March 18th, 2008 at 4:59 pm
The thing about Freshbytes is that I have to tell it like it is. For me, Serenity was one of the stranger movies I’ve ever seen, so therefore I have called it a strange movie. Is that justified?
March 27th, 2008 at 9:58 am
You cant have seen many movies then.
It’s a brilliant movie. Best movie of 2005, 2006, 2007, and so far, 2008. Nothing has topped it yet.