Bitter Disappointment should have been the title of this post, but since I used it up last week, I”m going for the more-neutral “TCE Results 2008″.
When the results arrived in the mail, I wasn’t planning on open them. I was far too scared to.
Anyway, I did, and the results were horrible! I was really, really not happy with my results.
With a TER of 88.9, I was 1.1 off what I needed. One point one!
After looking over the report, I realised that I had completely stuffed up my exams. Computer Science, in particular, was fairly horrible – I went from an EA (one B internally) to a maximum CA.
Thankfully, Maths Applied was just as expected. No nasty surprises here, and Physics was also better than expected (max CA).
Chemistry was just horrible as well – I managed to score a max SA. Yay! </sarcasm>
So, where to from here?
Well, my options are:
- Repeat Year 12 (by doing Year 13). Obviously, this would suck the most. I love Calvin and all, (don’t get me wrong, Calvin is awesome) but really – I don’t want to be there for another year, especially if no-one else I know is there. The fact that none of my friends are there would help keep away distractions, however – but it would still suck immensely.
- Do something else. This option also sucks. I hate engineering with a passion, and even though UTAS offered me a place, I’ll be dammed if I’m going to take it. No way.
- Wait and see. Now this option I like. I won’t recieve offers from the mainland uni’s until early 2009 anyway, (round two offers for Adelaide and Victoria are the 5th of Feb 09), so I’ll just have to enjoy what time I have left.
- Do something funky to get into the course I want. I haven’t fully explored this option yet, but apparently I can do a normal degree (science or something) at my Uni of choice for a year, and then transfer into the course I want in 2010. This would mean that I can essentially “waste” a year, and it would provide me with an oppurtunity to have a pseudo gap year, but really – dentistry is a five year course anyway! I don’t want to be like Dean, who managed to turn a three year course into a nine (?) year one!!
So yeah, at the moment I’m playing the waiting game – stuck in a sort of Facebook Limbo.
That’s enough about me, though. I’d love to hear how you went in TCE results 2008, so if you want the rest of the world to know as well, shout out in comments!
Points don’t matter. TER does, and that’s really all I care about!