Jun 14

This time next week, I’ll be home free. No more exams, study, or any of the nastiness for the next three weeks.

I have no sympathy for those about to go back to school tomorrow. Sucks to be you :)

Sadly, it’s not all fun and games. The vast majority of my friends are already on holidays (or will be in the next couple of days), and here I am, slaving over powerpoint presentations and listening to lecture audio, which seems to have been recorded at the “most horrible quality/more appalling than ah-paul-ling” setting… =/

Along with every exam period comes procrastination, and this particular exam period. I’ve done all I can to avoid studying over the weekend, but I managed to look at some Web Management slides. I’m so sorry, fellow procrastinators ;)

Anyway, couple of semi-important things – I’m poor. This has come from me buying lots of things (if it’s important, I’d show you).

I’ve also bought my first song off the iTunes Music Store (iTMS) in a long time, The Ting Ting’s That’s Not My Name. It’s quite catchy, actually. The reason I bought it was because apparently, it’s a heavily played song at the start of Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) sessions.

If you wanna watch the video, hit up this YouTube link.

Go on – you know you want to procrastinate! :D

written by Benny Ling \\ tags: , , , , , , , , ,