Jun 14

This time next week, I’ll be home free. No more exams, study, or any of the nastiness for the next three weeks.

I have no sympathy for those about to go back to school tomorrow. Sucks to be you :)

Sadly, it’s not all fun and games. The vast majority of my friends are already on holidays (or will be in the next couple of days), and here I am, slaving over powerpoint presentations and listening to lecture audio, which seems to have been recorded at the “most horrible quality/more appalling than ah-paul-ling” setting… =/

Along with every exam period comes procrastination, and this particular exam period. I’ve done all I can to avoid studying over the weekend, but I managed to look at some Web Management slides. I’m so sorry, fellow procrastinators ;)

Anyway, couple of semi-important things – I’m poor. This has come from me buying lots of things (if it’s important, I’d show you).

I’ve also bought my first song off the iTunes Music Store (iTMS) in a long time, The Ting Ting’s That’s Not My Name. It’s quite catchy, actually. The reason I bought it was because apparently, it’s a heavily played song at the start of Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) sessions.

If you wanna watch the video, hit up this YouTube link.

Go on – you know you want to procrastinate! :D

written by Benny Ling \\ tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Jul 20

For those of you that didn’t get the title joke, read it as: “Mid Year Exams DO NOT equal FUN!”

Too geeky for you? I thought so.

Anyways, this week has been rather hectic – maybe it’s just me making up for all the study that I haven’t been doing during non-exam time, but it seems like I’m spending most of my day head down, reading from a textbook, scribbling a note in my information sheet every now and again, and then repeating this over and over again, day in, day out…

Luckily, though, I have a GREAT music collection to keep me company – The 100 Most Essential Pieces of Classical Music. I bought the album off the iTunes Music Store for the sum of $10.49 – bargain! If you’ve got iTunes installed, hit this link for a preview

Now, some of you would say that buying classical music is silly because it isn’t copyrighted, but that’s a topic for another day, unfortunately…

Onto Radi8 news and it was yet another upsized version of the fantastic youth group last friday… Bush donuts are great, and the winter camp (if I go) will be great too! Can’t wait for the bonfire this Friday – exactly what everyone needs in the cold Winter night…

It’s always struck me as a little odd that even though we’re getting more and more sun each day (as we’ve passed the shortest day of the year), the days are STILL getting colder! How does that work, because more sun should equal more warmth…but apparently, it doesn’t.

I blame Tasmania.

Time to go, but not before one more video… This week on the Radi8 Digital Scavenger Hunt, it’s Dave O, Thomas v S, Angelo O, Eliot P and Wesley H as they buy 10c of petrol (this was back in 2007), singing Jingle Bells outside a supermarket, doing cartwheels in Kingston Town – you get the idea.

Enjoy, and as usual, comments below!

written by Benny Ling \\ tags: , , , , , , , , , ,